Nov 2, 2016

Maps (Sea Folds)

Map 1, 2014, digital print on paper, 90x120

 Maps (Sea Folds) #1-20, 2015-2016, digital print on paper 

Maps, like all maps, are abstractions turned into objects. What is a digital image is also tangible. It can be folded and spread out on the floor. As an object it may have its curves and edges highlighted by artificial light.


vimeo: Folding ‘Sea#8’

"Prominent among the curses of civilisation is the map that folds up "convenient for the pocket". There are men who can do almost anything except shut a map. It is calculated that the energy wasted yearly in denouncing these maps to their face would build  the Eiffel Tower in thirteen weeks. 
Almost every house in Edinburgh has a map warranted to shut easily, which the whole family, working together, is unable to fold."